Eat Well at LU!
We employ a cook to provide a well-balanced, nutritious hot lunch, as well as morning and afternoon tea. These include plenty of fruit and vegetables and drinking water.
Wholesome hot meals are provided at midday for all children attending our centre. The menu is displayed in each room and changes weekly. If your child has any food allergies, intolerances or other dietary requirements please let staff know immediately.
Clean Plate Menu
At Learning Unlimited we provide a Clean Plate Menu which was developed to meet the Ministry of Health Nutrition Guidelines for Children Under 5. The menu is on a four-week cycle and changes seasonally to ensure a variety of fresh ingredients are used. The menus are displayed in each room are color-coded to easily identify the main food groups served. The veggies in each lunch are listed as well to ensure you know exactly what your child is eating each day. We strive to provide nutritious meals that children love while assuring peace of mind to busy parents!
We also offer a separate under 1s menu for those children who are just starting on solids. The “baby menu” incorporates a mashed lunch option and suitable finger foods for our littlest clients. All the baby mash recipes are developed with the children’s nutrition in mind as well and contain iron rich ingredients as well as plenty of veggies!
Refer to link below for sample menu.
The Healthy Heart Award
At Learning Unlimited we strive to reach the NZ Heart Foundation yearly award for Early Childhood Education yearly award for Early Childhood Education. Tohu Manawa – Kohungahunga by management and staff/educators.
The achievement of this award involves ensuring:
- high nutrition standards are met and consistently reviewed by staff (through adoption of Clean Plate Menu).
- High physical activity (active movement) standards are met and consistently reviewed by staff.
- Children’s knowledge of ‘healthy living’ is extended regularly and a focus on healthy eating and movement consistent throughout the Curriculum.
- Children to have long term dispositions of healthy eating and active movement.